Waste water disposal concepts
Municipalities and wastewater associations must regularly document evidence of proper, public wastewater disposal as well as the chronological sequence and the estimated costs of the rehabilitation and construction measures required to fulfill the wastewater disposal obligation as part of a wastewater disposal concept.
Since the introduction of EN 752 and ISO 50000ff the requirements for rehabilitation management of drain and sewer systems have increased considerably. Both standards require strategic and / or operational planning in this regard with the objectives of avoiding asset consumption by preserving the net asset value and determining the long-term investment needed to achieve defined goals. In this context, the evaluation of the structural substance (fabric deterioration) and the expected remaining service life of the sewer sections and manholes are of particular importance. Therefore we recommend checking the long-term net asset value development of a network based on its current or planned investment behavior in order to identify deficits early and to make corrections early, if necessary. Such an approach enables the network operator to provide the necessary evidence that it is fulfilling its tasks in a long-term context (generational equity).
Rehabilitation concepts for sub-catchment areas

We develop rehabilitation concepts from condition assessment and evaluation up to rehabilitation planning according to integral approaches – which are always based on the latest standards and regulations - irrespective of the size, shape of the cross-section, position, material, condition and age of the sewers and pipelines, by open-cut or trenchless method of construction.
Structural rehabilitation concepts
Our team of experts masters all methods for the protection and rehabilitation of drain and sewers in open or trenchless construction and is at your disposal with expertise and know-how. We benefit from a unique wealth of experience which we gained through supporting the development of DIBt standard specifications for rehabilitation methods, development of calculations and dimensioning models, as well as in the management and assistance of the German DWA rehabilitation methods working groups.
Our rehabilitation concepts and solutions comply with all requirements of EN 752 and are optimised regarding the following aspects:
- Safety during construction and operation
- Public disturbance and/or damage in the public area
- Sustainable use of resources
- Construction phases
- Coordination with other infrastructural measures
- Limited capacities and resources
- Financial burden resulting from future maintenance costs
- Economic assessment
- Total cost of ownership
- Hydraulic rehabilitation.
Hydraulic rehabilitation concepts
In planning general drainage and wastewater discharge concepts, we carry out hydraulic checks, design hydraulic models and assess the capacity of your networks and develop solutions for:
- Optimization of the existing discharge capacity
- Discharge control
- Damping of peak runoff
- Maximisation of discharge capacity
- Environmental rehabilitation.
Environmental rehabilitation concepts
Besides the sewers' leak tightness, which can be considered the most urgent aim of all rehabilitation measures, we also take into account the effects of the rehabilitations on the environment such as the increase of the groundwater level. Our integral planning approach takes into account environmentally relevant measures, and ensures the rehabilitation according to the requirements of EN 752.
Surface water management
Within the scope of our occupation with holistic concepts for drain and sewer systems, the topic of surface water management plays a substantial role. The Water Resources Act states that groundwater has to be managed in such a way that a deterioration of its quantitative and chemical status is avoided.
This requirement, but also the desire to make surface water usable in a sensible manner under ecological, economic and social aspects or to avoid negative consequences such as flooding or high wastewater charges and to design development measures in such a way that the natural rainwater cycle is influenced as little as possible, form the framework for our activities in the area of surface water management.
Surface water management by STEIN Ingenieure helps you to:
- Upgrade your city from an ecological point of view
- Reduce the costs for sewage treatment and disposal
- Make your city a more comfortable and pleasant place to live in
- Make the city’s climate healthier
- Lower the risk of floods
- Protect your receiving waters.
Figure: Illustration of the surface water cycle principle (Illustration: visaplan)
Für den Teilaspekt „Dezentrale Regenwasserbehandlung“ haben wir im Rahmen eines Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojektes einen Straßenablauf mit verbessertem Feststoffrückhalt entwickelt, der quasi einen nahezu vollständigen Rückhalt aller absetzfähigen Feststoffe aus dem Straßenabfluss am Ort des Anfalls gewährleistet und dadurch auch eine Regenwasserbehandlung ermöglicht.
Expert opinion / root cause analysis
People trust in our expert knowledge, as a consultant in the approval of major projects in the private and public sector, within the scope of the preservation of evidence or with extrajudicial expertise.
We offer qualified consulting in all fields of pipeline construction, operation & maintenance and rehabilitation – from the strategic planning of your investment decision up to specific questions of construction – and help you with the processing of warranty claims. Within the scope of the authorisation processes for major projects, we advise and help authorities and network operators, such as the National Environmental Authorities in the design and approval of the 52 km long “sewer Emscher”.
IIn the event of damage, we analyse causes and background information, develop rehabilitation concepts and make recommendations regarding damage-limitation and avoidance of further damage. This is where our wide-ranging services and our experience pay off for you. The close collaboration within our teams of expert structural engineers, geologists and planners ensures effective and comprehensive analytical work in all fields of pipeline installation and rehabilitation.
Service areas:
- Wastewater disposal concepts
- Rehabilitation concepts for sub-catchment areas
- Surface water management
- Expert opinion / root cause analysis
Special services:
- Asset value analysis of networks and plant components
- Statistical extrapolations to determine budget figures and cost models for large wastewater networks
- Inspection and rehabilitation concepts for (river) crossings
- Development and controlling of asset management and sewer operation management systems
- Development of rehabilitation concepts for large profile sewers